Link your JDF DCS identity to your JDF website account, Reserve nicknames.
The process is fairly straightforward :
- Login to your JDF Web account, go to your Profile page and copy the “RESERVATION TOKEN”
- Connect to any JustDogFight server (stable or openbeta)
- Open the chat box by pressing Shift-Tab.
- Paste the RSV token that you copied in the step above.
The result should be an OK message as shown below :

If you want to know more about this system, read on.
The issue :
DCS gives the user the ability to change nicknames for on-line gaming. This is a good and a bad thing. Getting bored with “Captain Flappy” ? No problem “Captain Crash it” coming up. The problem is that other players get to know you (and others) from your nickname. And if another “Captain Crash it” has made a reputation for himself, you are now him. His reputation is yours… to improve, ruin or just confuse… you get the picture.
Our solution :
Reserve your Nicknames on the JDF servers.
While connected to the JDF server, you type a special code into your chat. This links your DCS identity to your JDF site profile. This way you can reserve up to three nicknames. If any other player tries to use your reserved nickname, he/she is informed that the nickname is reserved and denied access to the JDF servers until the name is changed.

Linked DCS identity
The system is based on linking the DCS identity to your JDF Website profile. No information other that the Unique Identification Number that you use to connect to our server is used. This ID, once your account is connected, is shown under the “Linked DCS account” area of your profile.

Your reserved nicknames are also shown under the “RESERVER NICKNAMES” area in your profile page.
Removing reserved nicknames
You can free all your reserved nicknames using the “Remove Nicknames” link as shown above. You can always fire up the game, connect to JDF server with the desired nickname and reserve again to your heart’s content.
Note !
At the moment you can only link and reserve nicknames through the game chat. Also you can free all reverved nicknames at once. This may change in the future giving you the ability (once you are linked) to seacrh and add/remove reservations from within the web interface.
A reservation is for the excact name that you used in-game at the time of the reservation procedure. It also reserves simmilar name variations with non alphanumeric characters. For example, reserving “FlyingDirtyCat” will also reserve “Flying Dirty Cat”, “=Flying_ Dirty=Cat=” but not “FlyingDirtyCat4”.
So when reserving a name, use only the basic alphanumeric part of it. It will give you the best results !
Historically Used Nicknames
Linking your DCS identity to the site, also unlocks a nice little surprize ! All the nicknames you have used in the past while connecting to our JDF server ! Each member can only see his/hers nicknames. The list is at the bottom of the profile page. Enjoy a bit of history !
Profile page example :

Last but most important
This system was developed as a value adding feature to our flight simming hobby. Do not abuse it. Doing so, cancels it’s purpose which is to entertain.
We reserve the right to refuse any reservation and any nickname use in our site/game server. It is a long and important JDF policy anyway, that all interactions including the player names used must be decent.